Hello again~ It's been a really long time since I wrote something here~
It's about my medical check up! The reason I take this test is as one of the requirement for getting job and for applying scholarship ^^
So this morning I took the test at one of Public Hospital at Bandung. As everyone knows a public hospital is really crowded. So many people there don't know how to follow the queuing. I can't believe myself end up there. The reason I took the test there is because the price is not really expensive.
First I registered to hospital account and paid 20 as a new patient. They asked me to go to medical check up clinic. Before I agree to take the test they asked me about when i need the result. Because a girl before me canceled the test because she needs the result in one day. The staff told me that the girl takes the test to go to japan. XDDD I wonder she's going to take education in japan too.
They told me this test needs one week to finish. As I'm not in hurry so I said OK. And there my journey starts! Ah... I didn't eat and drink anything for 12 hours.
1. Laboratory; I paid 400 first. So many people and i got panicked. I rushed to the security and I asked where i could buy a mask. I bought it and took my urine and blood sample. The toilet is not like hospital's. It's like a public one! Can't believe it.
The incident happened when they took my blood. I wasn't afraid with needle. But what I couldn't believe was they took it a lot. really a lot. In the first 3 tubes, everything was OK. For the 4th my heart beat really fast and my blood was not as much as the first. In the last tube, the nurse asked me if I get dizzy. When she finished I really got dizzy, my heart beat really really fast and i wanted to throw up. So they asked me to lie on the couch. It was so touching. 2 or more old women help me to lie down. This is the first time of me feel like that. ^^ The nurse asked me if i brought food or drinks, or if someone accompany me. But I didn't bring any food and I came alone. So... the nice nurse came back for me brought a pack of tea. ^_^
They took my blood a lot because I took many kind of test.
The last one is cardiology. It took less than 30 minutes to wait and take the test.
2. HIV test. I brought 1 tube of my blood sample to special clinic. And I had to paid 120 there.
3. Radiology. I didn't have to wait too long because there's no queuing. It took really fast. And they made me paid 47,5.
4. Ears clinic? Not sure what they call it in english. Nothing special here. they tested me using a headphone and i had to figure out really tiny sounds. Another 45 was needed.
That's all for today... I need to take all the results tomorrow by myself. And I have to take other simple test again tomorrow. Ohhh... It didn't end in 1 day.
But what I like from today journey is the staffs and the nurses there were really nice.
End for today! Hope the results are good!!!!
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