Saturday, September 8, 2012

Crazy of Me!

Summer is over soon, I think. It supposed to be a few day left before the Autumn come. And finally I did something crazy in Summer! Crazy Summer! XDDD

I bet you all know that Nino is the representative for the new Nissan Note! And this week is the campaign period. If you visit the showroom, they will give you pamphlets and if you answer the questioner and do a test drive, you will get Nino's huge poster from Asahi Shinbun, a card and miniature. 
Then... here my craziness was started! ^__^

I did want to get all of those Nino's things but I didn't have any courage. First, I've never come to a showroom in Japan and I don't look like someone who can afford to buy a car here. >.< I don't have Japan driving license so it's impossible. But, I decided to go and when I got there, no one inside. There was no costumer. I lost my confidence to get inside and left the place. 

I don't know why but I went to another showroom and saw father and daughters got inside. I was really a cowardice! It took times to make a decision that I will go in. 

When I entered, the clerk came to me. I really didn't know what I had to do, so I just asked if I could receive the Note's pamphlet. He asked me to sit down and went inside talking with other clerk. Maybe they were talking about me, a girl who just want Arashi's poster. ^0^ But he's really nice. He came to me and give a set of brochure.  I wanted to go home as soon as possible, but I felt awkward if I didn't ask something about the car. 

So... there my stupidity was started. I asked something stupid as if I wanted to buy the car. That was really embarrassing. I asked about the color and the price. www I couldn't test the car but I was able to sit in the car. wwww When I was about to get out, I came to a corner where there were some miniatures placed on. I asked the clerk if I could get the miniature. That was really stupid and crazy! though he gave it to me but I felt like stupid! I really looked like a girl who just want Nino's poster! wwww

It was really a crazy and embarrassing thing I do! But I'm glad I gathered my confidence to go in. I got all merchandise include the car even I didn't fill the questioner and test the car. XDDD Lucky Me!!!! I think I can't do this for the 2nd time. www

That's all for today! The craziest day ever! 

Here what I got!


It's the future plan same with the cm promotion! 

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