Thursday, August 2, 2012

FC Summer Issue . Arashi

Oh... It's already summer!!! Summer Splash~~~~ Yeay! Arashi!!!!

As we all expected, Arashi is Arashi!!! They look cool!! XDD But one thing I regret, their wardrobe is not summer-ish at all!! >.<

I wonder they took the picture in the cover was in Spring~ Nino's hair still brown~ ^^ But at solo page, Nino is blond! Kinpatsu!!!! XDDDD

And the last is the invitation for AraFes! XDDD *kidding* There is a flier how to ballot for Arafes~ XDD But it helps me a lot! I didn't know how to ballot before~ XDDD

That's all for today report~ Thank you! ^^

Ohh.... the extra of this post~ Nino will save the world with JCB!!! ^^ Kakkoi~ Found this at Hankyu Supa~

1 comment:

  1. iina~
    So this will be your first time balloting? Hopefully mine too! But sadly I cannot manage my FC membership myself since I don't live in Japan, so my friend is doing it for me, but since she is not an Arashi fan at all, I'm worried she'll miss the ballotting period and any tiny chance I might have winning... ^^"
    Can you please please tell me what the invitation...I mean flier says? Does it give a period? Thanks in advance!!
